Membership in the 77 Society is extended to individuals whose gifts to the DC Bar Foundation total $1,000 or more each fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). Named in honor of the year DCBF was founded, the Society recognizes the generosity of our donors as well as the impact their support has on District residents with low incomes in need of civil legal aid.

Individual donors play a critical role in the Foundation’s ability to provide access to justice for thousands of DC residents each year. To show our gratitude, we proudly offer the following benefits to all current 77 Society members:
Recognition by class and tier on the DC Bar Foundation’s website, in the Annual Report, and in a Washington Lawyer ad
Invitation to our annual President's Reception, an event exclusively for 77 Society members
Monthly DCBF newsletter – special welcome feature, as well as an invitation to be profiled in the newsletter
Invited to participate in DCBF events, special program updates, and site visits
Advance notice of major DCBF news
Membership is renewable on an annual basis via online donation, check, or ACH payment. Checks may be sent to the DC Bar Foundation at 200 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001. For instructions on making an ACH payment, please contact Daryl Byler, Director of Development and Communications, at byler@dcbarfoundation.org. The Foundation established 77 Society donor tiers based on annual giving amounts:
Friends of Justice ($1,000 – $2,499/year)
Advocates of Justice ($2,500 – $4,999/year)
Champions of Justice ($5,000 -$9,999/year)
Pillars of Justice ($10,000 and above/year)
In addition to our annual giving tiers, the Foundation recently created legacy giving tiers within its 77 Society to recognize donors who have reached significant lifetime giving thresholds of $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000. We have named the legacy tiers after historic African-American civil rights champions in the District whose work may not be widely known:
Thank you to our Legacy Donors:
Charles T. Duncan Legacy Donors
Jamie S. Gorelick
John M. Nannes
Stephen J. and Ruth Pollak
Michael P. Rogan
Howard Shapiro
Paul M. Smith
Charlotte E. Ray Legacy Donors
Marc L. Fleischaker
Nathalie F.P. Gilfoyle
David W. Ogden

Charles T. Duncan Legacy Donor
(lifetime gifts totaling $25,000 - $49,999)
(lifetime gifts totaling $50,000 - $99,999)
Charles Hamilton Houston Legacy Donor
(lifetime gifts totaling $100,000 or more)