The DC Bar Foundation awards grants to DC-based 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that provide free civil legal aid to DC residents with low income. DCBF has three annual grant programs – General Support, Access to Justice, and Civil Legal Counsel Projects Program Grants. Information on how to apply for our grants can be found by clicking on the grant programs below.
Awarded annually since 1978
Source of funding: private contributions and IOLTA revenue
Application opens: August
Application deadline: late August
Awards announced: mid-December
Grant year: January 1 to December 31
The General Support Grants Program, which began in 1978, the year after DCBF was founded, has provided $34.5 million in critical operating support to DC legal service providers. General Support grants provide unrestricted funds support to help cover overhead costs, such as rent and client record databases, which are not always covered by other grants these organizations receive. These grants are funded by private contributions and revenue received through the IOLTA program.
Awarded annually since 2007
Source of funding: public funding from a grant from the District
Application opens: August
Application deadline: late August
Awards announced: mid-December
Grant year: January 1 to December 31
In 2007, DCBF began awarding grants under the Access to Justice Grants Program (ATJ Grants) when the Council of the District of Columbia designated DCBF as the administrator of these funds. ATJ Grants support organizations that provide legal assistance, or support the provision of that assistance, in three areas: (a) underserved areas in DC; (b) housing-related matters; and (c) to support a shared legal services interpreter bank. Since 2007, the Foundation has awarded over $133 million to provide critical legal assistance to DC residents with low income or living in underserved communities.
Legislation passed in late June 2017
Source of funding: public funding from a grant from the District
Application opens: August
Application deadline: late August
Awards announced: mid-December
Grant year: January 1 to December 31
The Civil Legal Counsel Projects Program (CLCPP Grants) was established by the Council of the District of Columbia through the Expanding Access to Justice Amendment Act of 2017. The legislation designates the DC Bar Foundation to administer this grant program. Organizations eligible for CLCPP Grants are legal service organizations that provide representation in eviction defense proceedings for District residents with low income. Also eligible are non-profit organizations that, in partnership with legal service organizations, enable access to this representation for District residents with low income. Since 2018, the Foundation has awarded over $56 million to ensure that DC residents with low income and those living in underserved communities have access to civil legal aid.
Application Registration
The DC Bar Foundation uses an online application and grants management system to manage all applications, reporting requirements, payments, and general records.
The online application and grants management system is located here: https://dcbarfoundation.smartsimple.com/s_Login.jsp
The system is compatible with all internet browsers and is mobile-friendly.
To create an account, click “Register Here” on the login page of the main grantee portal and follow the instructions.
To access an existing account, log in.
If you forget your password, please click “Forgot Password?” on the login page of the main grantee portal and follow the instructions. If you are still having trouble, e-mail us at grants@dcbarfoundation.org.
To start an application, you will need to log into the grants management system. On your dashboard, on the left-hand side, you will see “Funding Opportunities.” Click on this list to take you to the available applications.
After selecting a funding opportunity, Click on “Apply Now.” Before beginning an application, you must click “Save Draft.” This will register your application within the system.
To access an application you have begun or submitted, log in with the same username and password used to start or submit the application via the main portal: https://dcbarfoundation.smartsimple.com/s_Login.jsp. On the dashboard, under “My Applications,” you will have the opportunity to view which applications are “In Progress” or have been“ Submitted.”
If you’re applying for multiple grants, you can submit multiple applications for your organization under the same account or different accounts.
You can view all the applications that have been submitted under your organization when you visit the Organization’s Profile (on the left-hand side, click on “Grants”).
When completing the application:
Questions marked with a red asterisk are required. You will not be able to submit the application if the required fields are left blank.
To save your application but not exit it, press “Save Draft” at the bottom of any page.
To save and exit your application, press “Save Draft” at the bottom of any page. If you want a copy of what you have completed in the application so far, click on “Application Summary.”
You do not need to complete the tabs in order.
You will be able to review your application before submission.
After reviewing, make sure to hit “Submit.”
If you want to submit subsequent applications, click on the DCBF logo on the top left of your screen.