For the last five years, the DC Bar Foundation has collaborated with the civil legal aid community and other stakeholders to develop and build a Coordinated Intake and Referral (CIR) system, now known as DC Resource Bridge. It is a single point of entry system to connect DC residents with a legal service provider.
In June 2024, we launched the DC Resource Bridge pilot to test the system’s workflows. Neighborhood Legal Services Program hosted the pilot, and 10 legal services organizations participated. Below is some of what we learned during the five-month pilot period, which included 127 applicants who went through the intake and referral process.
The referral response times met protocol expectations. The protocols developed by a Pilot Working Group of legal aid providers established a three-day window for completing initial referrals. Of the 140 referrals initiated (including repeat referrals), providers responded to 88% within that timeframe.
Time from intake screening to case placement was appropriate. Placement took an average of 13 days for cases accepted by a legal services provider.
The technology platform was effective. The customized technology platform developed for the system was implemented successfully. Staff and partners said that it is easy to use, adequately protects client information, and 80% of the system-initiated referrals were deemed appropriate by the providers.
Some of the areas for consideration and improvement include:
Implement ways to identify cases with urgent need. Based on feedback, the system needs to include a flag for applicants with urgent needs so their cases can be fast-tracked for review and placement.
Refine the process for handling non-linear referral patterns. Some cases have different conditions (i.e., repeat applicants) that prevent navigators from following the linear referral process, which involves going through the three-step intake screening, referral, and case placement process. In these instances, they need to be given more time to handle the cases to ensure they are providing trauma-informed services.
Tracking Repeat Clients and information sharing. The DC Resource Bridge system should include features to address issues such as repeat clients and information sharing among legal services providers.
Conversations about a system of this nature have been ongoing for several decades. So, as we consider these insights and implement the necessary changes ahead of the full launch later this year, I want to thank everyone for their support and feedback that got us to this point. You can read more about the pilot and the findings in the latest DC Resource Bridge report.
With gratitude,
Kirra L. Jarratt
Chief Executive Officer