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June 6 President’s Reception: Thanking our 77 Society Members

To show our gratitude for our 77 Society members’ generosity and dedication to our work, DC Bar Foundation President John P. Relman will host our annual President’s Reception in their honor on June 6, 2023, from 5 – 7 PM at Relman Colfax PLLC.

The DC Bar Foundation’s 77 Society provides crucial funds for our efforts to transform DC’s civil legal aid network. Members of the 77 Society generously donate $1,000 or more to the Foundation each fiscal year (October 1 – September 30), creating a necessary and steady flow of resources that help us continue our work.

The 77 Society – named in recognition of the year DCBF was founded - is made up of civil legal aid supporters who give at various giving tiers: Friends of Justice ($1,000 - $2,500), Advocates of Justice ($2,500 - $4,999), Champions of Justice ($5,000 - $9,999) and Pillars of Justice ($10,000 and above).

In addition to our annual giving tiers, the Foundation recently created legacy giving tiers within its 77 Society to recognize donors who have reached significant lifetime giving thresholds of $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000. We have named the legacy tiers after historic African-American civil rights champions in the District whose work may not be widely known: Charles T. Duncan, Charlotte E. Ray, and Charles Hamilton Houston.

For those interested in attending this year’s President’s Reception and who haven’t done so already, please renew your 77 Society membership or join today. If you want to learn more about how joining the 77 Society can make a real impact, please email Daryl Byler, Director of Development and Communications, at


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