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Letter from the Executive Director

In recognition of January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, this month’s newsletter highlights the work of Foundation grantee Amara Legal Center. Amara, founded in 2013 by Stacie Reimer, provides free legal services to individuals whose rights have been violated while involved in sex trafficking, whether by coercion, necessity, or choice. Recognizing the need for legal aid support within this community, the Foundation first supported Amara in 2016. As a result of this and subsequent funding, Amara has been able to serve more survivors than ever before and help train social and legal services organizations on identifying victims of sex trafficking. In the past year, the Foundation’s funding has enabled Amara to expand their intake locations and hours, which increases their accessibility to survivors needing legal help and helps them reach a wider audience. As an added benefit, Ms. Reimer stated that the Foundation’s grant was a “stamp of approval” that created a legitimacy early on and helped win other grants. Read on to learn a little more about Ms. Reimer, featured in our Partner Profile this month, as well as Elizabeth Landau, a public interest attorney in the Foundation’s Loan Repayment Assistance Program.

On behalf of the DC Bar Foundation, thank you again for your support of the vision that one’s legal outcomes should not be determined by whether you can afford an attorney. And many thanks to Ms. Reimer, Ms. Landau, and all of their colleagues at Amara Legal Center for their work and dedication.


Kirra L. Jarratt, Executive Director


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