CIR Update
CIR pilot
The CIR pilot, hosted by Neighborhood Legal Services Program (NLSP), will begin in June 2024. Two CIR Navigators, staffed at NLSP, will route callers with family law issues to participating organizations. The pilot program will help to fine-tune the technology and protocols for the CIR System.
Interest in hosting full launch of the CIR System
DCBF is seeking informal statements of interest from organizations that want to be considered to host the full launch of the CIR System. No specific format is required, and statements of interest are not binding agreements. Please keep an eye on our social media over the next few weeks for more information! To submit an informal statement of initial interest, please email by June 28.
Sponsorship Opportunity: Avenues to Justice
Young Lawyers Network Leadership Council (YLN LC) invites you to sponsor the annual Avenues to Justice fundraiser, which benefits the DC Bar Foundation and will be held on Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Arnold & Porter.
This year, the Young Lawyers Network Leadership Council aims to raise $72,000 for DC's civil legal aid network through Avenues to Justice. Corporate and individual sponsorships are available at various levels to fit your needs. So far, our generous corporate and individual sponsors have contributed nearly $38,000. Can we count on you to help us reach our goal?
Thank you to our Avenues to Justice sponsors:
Titanium - $7,000
Platinum - $5,000
Gold - $3,500
Silver - $2,500
Crowell & Moring LLP
A&O Shearman
Bronze - $1,500
del Cuadro-Zimmerman PLLC
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP
Titanium - $1,000
Josette Barsano
Christopher Hatfield
Ellen Jakovic
A Gift in Honor of Gene and Mary Rowan
Platinum - $500
Laurel LaMontagne
Chris Nestor
Gold - $250
Allie Gardner
Lauren Birzon Harriman
Allison Rochford
Lori Waichman
For more information about sponsoring Avenues to Justice, please visit our website or contact Daryl Byler, Director of Development and Communications, at
Sponsorship Opportunity: DC Walk for Justice 5K
The DC Bar Foundation invites you to partner with us to launch the inaugural DC Walk for Justice 5K on October 24, 2024. We aim to raise $250,000 for the District's pressing civil legal needs. By supporting a network of legal aid providers, the Foundation helps more than 30,000 District residents each year secure the fundamentals of life – the roof over your head, family stability, personal safety, and financial sustainability.
By sponsoring this event, you will foster closer ties with the community, create a tangible and lasting social impact, and position your organization as a leader in promoting public safety and wellbeing for District residents. You will also make your employees proud to be connected to a justice-minded workplace.
There are several corporate sponsor tiers with varying benefits that are sure to fit your company or firm's needs. At what sponsorship level can we count on you? Click here to learn more about sponsoring the DC Walk for Justice 5K.
Thank you to our current DC Walk for Justice 5K sponsors:
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP - Marketing Support
For information on in-kind sponsorships or instructions for completing payment via ACH, please contact Daryl Byler, DCBF Director of Development and Communications, at or (202) 853-9025.