Each month we highlight an individual working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. This month features Ashley James, Associate General Counsel, Labor & Employment at Facebook, member of the Foundation’s Young Lawyers Network Leadership Council, and Co-Chair of the 2020 Lip Sync for Justice event.
Associate General Counsel, Labor & Employment
Years on the Job
Where did you grow up?
Washington, DC
What brought you to DC?
It’s my hometown!
What was your first job in DC and what did you learn?
A summer internship at a federal agency while in high school. I mostly took away the basics of being a working person – how to conduct myself in a work environment and interact with others, what it meant to go to work every day, how to navigate the metro, etc. It was very helpful in learning how to be more than just a student.
Favorite App
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp of course!
Favorite Movie
Pretty Woman
Favorite Restaurant
Pearl Dive or Compass Rose
Favorite Vacation Spot
A beach with clear water
Guilty Pleasure
Wendy Williams’ Hot Topics
One Item from your Bucket List
To visit every country – or at least 100
You get to paint a mural on the side of the White House. What do you paint?
“Enjoy the Journey”
Biggest failure and what you learned
Being overwhelmed helped me to say no.
Legal aid is important to me because…
It gives voices to many who are unheard.
The most pressing civil legal aid issue in DC is…
Equal access and knowledge for everyone.