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Partner Profile: Lucy Newton

Each month, we highlight individuals working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. Meet Lucy Newton, Supervising Attorney and Co-Director of the Eviction Defense Unit for DC Law Students in Court.

Name Lucy Newton

Job/Position Supervising Attorney and Co-Director, Eviction Defense Unit

Organization DC Law Students in Court

Years on the Job Less than a year, although I have been a legal service attorney in DC since 2005.

Where did you grow up? Waycross, Georgia

What brought you to DC? A fellowship

What was your first job in DC, and what did you learn?

I worked at a large nonprofit, and I learned a lot about coalition building and policy work.

What is your relationship to DCBF? DCBF Grantee


Favorite Vacation Spot Anyplace with trees and stars 

Guilty Pleasure Dark chocolate

Hobbies I am a classically trained singer. I sing a lot.

Your News Source(s) The Washington Post, mostly

One thing (other than your phone) you never leave your house without is… Chap stick

You get to paint a mural on the side of the White House. What do you paint? The Statue of Liberty

If I hadn’t become a lawyer, I would be a… Piano teacher


Most rewarding element of your work The connection with my clients.

Legal aid is important to me because … Access to justice shouldn’t be about your income.

The most pressing civil legal aid issue in DC is… Lack of access to affordable housing.

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