Each month we highlight an individual working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. Meet Macy Young, junior at Dickinson College and intern at the DC Bar Foundation.
Where did you grow up?
Vienna, VA
What brought you to DC?
The criminal justice system and politics
What was your first job in DC and what did you learn?
In high school I worked for Justice Action Network, a criminal justice reform nonprofit. They introduced me to criminal justice reform organizations and fields. They also taught me networking skills. While I was there I was able to work with the Coalition for Public Safety and FreedomWorks, meet with the American Civil Liberties Union, and attend events with organizations I would like to pursue after I graduate.
If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Harry Hopkins, my great-grandfatheer
You get one extra hour of free time per day. How do you use it?
Go to the gym
One item from your Bucket List
Ski in Switzerland
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Photographic memory
Who is your favorite artist (visual/musical/literary/etc.)?
Taylor Swift
What is your favorite museum in DC?
The Renwick Gallery
What is the best concert you have ever been to?
The Chainsmokers
Your dream for our legal system is… Equal opportunities for everyone
Tags: Issue 44 (March 2020)