Each month, we highlight individuals working to make the justice system more accessible to DC residents. Meet Melissa Weberman, the driving force behind Arnold & Porter’s recent Go Casual success.
Name Melissa Weberman
Job/Position Associate
Organization Arnold & Porter
Years on the Job I am about to celebrate my 6th anniversary at A&P
Where did you grow up? Washington, DC
What brought you to DC? I am a Washingtonian, born and bred. I lived away for many years and moved back six years ago because I was ready to come home.
What was your first job in DC, and what did you learn? I was a figure skating instructor in high school. I learned patience!
Daily Habit
Stretching while brushing my teeth
Favorite App Yelp
Favorite Movie The Cutting Edge
Favorite Restaurant Cactus Cantina, my high school hang-out
Guilty Pleasure Cheese
Hobbies Good TV, Bad TV
You get to paint a mural on the side of the White House. What do you paint? A flamingo (my very favorite thing)
Legal aid is important to me because … It does justice.
Your dream for our legal system is… Equal access to justice.
The most pressing civil legal aid issue in DC is… Safe and affordable housing for families.