The DC Bar Foundation is fortunate to have dedicated and passionate leadership members who support our work to expand access to justice in the District. Today, we feature Zenia Wilson Laws, Special Counsel for Nuisance Abatement at the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. Zenia is a member of the Foundation’s Young Lawyers Network Leadership Council.
What was your first job in DC and what did you learn?
My first job in DC was as a consumer law attorney at DC Bar Foundation grantee Legal Aid DC. With limited resources, I learned to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to challenging legal issues.
If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados.
You get one extra hour of free time per day. How do you use it?
I would use the time to explore different creative outlets. I am drawn to various forms of artistic expression but haven't had the chance to fully discover which ones resonate with me the most.
What is the best concert you have ever been to?
The Weeknd at the 9:30 Club in 2012!
What is your favorite museum in DC?
The Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Most rewarding element of your work
A rewarding element of my work is the opportunity to serve the public and engage in initiatives that have a direct and positive impact of the lives of DC residents.
Legal aid is important to me because...
by providing legal representation to those who cannot afford it, legal aid helps ensure fair and just outcomes.
Your dream for our legal system is...
I dream of a fair and unbiased legal system that guarantees equal rights and protections for all.