We know that when individuals face a crisis and they have low or no income, their chances of getting legal help significantly decrease. Our work in civil legal aid means that our most vulnerable residents have a chance at a better outcome. Civil legal aid is important because it allows children to be placed in stable homes, it gives working parents a chance to advocate for their workplace rights, and it can provide unhoused individuals access to housing.
The work that we do is largely made possible through our partnership with the District government and the funding we receive through the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants. The importance of DCBF funding is highlighted below in quotes from some of our grantee partners. They are on the ground doing the work and the impact of what they do is evident in the individuals and families that have been helped through civil legal aid since the Foundation’s beginnings in 1977.
“We would not be able to do the work without the support of the DC Bar Foundation. The funding supports several staff members. It supports the people on the ground doing the work, and I don’t think we would be here if it wasn’t for DCBF.”
“DCBF’s funding has been crucial in enabling us to hire staff attorneys and other critical support staff, allowing us to significantly expand our outreach in the community and increase the number of individuals impacted by our services. This year’s milestone of serving 800 clients, in addition to our expanded community workshops and legal clinics, was made possible in large part due to DCBF grant funds.”
“DCBF is instrumental in allowing us to bring high-quality, compassionate, culturally sensitive legal services to our DC residents who cannot afford a private lawyer. The length of time a case takes to adjudicate, onerous evidentiary requirements, and the effects of trauma on memory and cognitive functioning are substantial barriers that can often only be addressed by experienced, empathetic, low-cost legal counsel. DCBF allows us to provide that counsel.”
Without legal aid, these residents potentially face very different outcomes that can have severe consequences. By funding legal aid, we invest in individuals, families, and communities. Thank you for our partnership.
With gratitude,
Kirra L. Jarratt
Chief Executive Officer